Aktuelle Links zu Tintling 125 (Ausgabe 3/2020)

Seite 13 Zur Funga des Erdbrüst-Feuchtgebiets in Passau Artenliste

Seite 17 Pilze an Zapfen
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259155846_The_Botryosphaeriaceae_Genera_and_species_known_from_culture  ab Seite 81

Seite 43 Ergänzung zu den Korkstachelingsfunden in Tintling 122: 83 - 87
Hydnellum-Schlüssel von Petr Hrouda https://www.sci.muni.cz/botany/mycology/hydna.htm
„Maas Geest., and therefore the correct name for the species with a light context is Hydnellum floriforme. As I consider his opinion correct, the name Hydnellum floriforme is used in this study as well. Nevertheless, this species is found under the name Hydnellum aurantiacum in all herbaria in Central Europe. These two species are not distinguished in some cases and sometimes they are considered as conspecific; I do not accept this opinion, the subtle dark basidiomes especially from mountain regions are distinctly different than more massive light basidiomes as they are known e. g. from southern Bohemia.“
Otto (1997) presents the opinion that Batsch’s illustration of Hydnum aurantiacum (on which the basionym of this epithet is based) represents a species with a dark orange context and sometimes concentrically zoned pileus, well-known under the name Hydnellum auratile (Britzelm.) Maas Geest., and therefore the correct name for the species with a light context is Hydnellum floriforme. As I consider his opinion correct, the name Hydnellum floriforme is used in this study as well. Nevertheless, this species is found under the name Hydnellum aurantiacum in all herbaria in Central Europe. These two species are not distinguished in some cases and sometimes they are considered as conspecific; I do not accept this opinion, the subtle dark basidiomes especially from mountain regions are distinctly different than more massive light basidiomes as they are known e. g. from southern Bohemia
Seite 45 Kraterpilze im Kirschenland

Seite 57 Rhodocybe

Seite 68 Heilpilze an der Börse

Seite 97 Nachrichten
Iboten-Synthese https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/anie.202001870?af=R
Schwammspinner frisst Sporen https://www.mpg.de/14703729/0420-choe-025591-aber-bitte-mit-sporen

Seite 98 Literatur

Seite 99 Termine/Inserate/Impressum http://www.pilzteam-bayern.de

Artenliste Zur Funga des Erdbrüst-Feuchtgebiets in Passau , 22.09. 2019
Agaricus bitorquis  Stadt-Champignon
Agaricus silvaticus   Kleiner Waldchampignon
Amanita citrina  Gelber Knollenblätterpilz
Amanita muscaria   Fliegenpilz
Boletus edulis   Fichten-Steinpilz
Caloboletus calopus   Schönfuß-Röhrling
Calocera viscosa   Klebriger Hörnling
Chalciporus piperatus   Pfeffer-Röhrling
Chlorociboria aeruginascens  Kleinsporiger Grünspanbecherling (Myzel)
Clitocybe phyllophila   Bleiweißer Trichterling
Clitopilus prunulus  Mehlräsling
Conocybe sp.   Samthäubchen-Art
Coprinellus micaceus  Glimmertintling
Cortinarius bolaris  Rotschuppiger Schleierling
Cortinarius callochrous  Blaublättriger Klumpfuß
Cortinarius delibutus  Blaublättriger Gürtelfuß
Daedaleopsis confragosa  Rötende Tramete
Fomes fomentarius   Zunderschwamm
Fomitoporia hartigii  Tannen-Feuerschwamm
Fomitopsis pinicola   Rotrandiger Baumschwamm
Funalia trogii  Blasse Borstentramete
Ganoderma applanatum   Flacher Lackporling
Gloeophyllum odoratum   Fenchel-Porling
Gymnopilus penetrans  Geflecktblättriger Flämmling
Hydnum repandum  Semmelstoppelpilz
Hydnum rufescens  Rötlicher Semmelstoppelpilz
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca   Falscher Pfifferling
Hypholoma fasciculare   Grünblättriger Schwefelkopf
Imleria badia   Maronen-Röhrling
Inonotus radiatus  Erlen-Schillerporling
Laccaria laccata   Rötlicher Lacktrichterling
Lactarius aurantiacus  Milder Milchling
Lactarius turpis  Olivbrauner Milchling
Leccinum scabrum  Gemeiner Birkenpilz
Leucoagaricus leucothites   Rosablättriger Egerlingsschirmling
Lycoperdon excipuliforme  Beutel-Stäubling
Lycoperdon pratense   Wiesen-Stäubling
Macrolepiota procera   Parasol
Mycena haematopus  Großer Bluthelmling
Naucoria scolecina  Kahler Erlenschnitzling
Paxillus involutus   Kahler Krempling
Peziza badia  Umbrabrauner Becherling
Pluteus cervinus   Rehbrauner Dachpilz
Postia stiptica  Bitterer Saftporling
Pycnoporus cinnabarinus  Zinnoberrote Tramete
Rickenella fibula   Orangefarbener Heftelnabeling
Russula decolorans  Orangeroter Graustieltäubling
Russula delica  Breitblättriger Weißtäubling
Russula emetica   Kiefern-Speitäubling
Russula queletii  Stachelbeer-Täubling
Schizophyllum commune  Gemeiner Spaltblättling 
Scleroderma citrinum   Dickschaliger Kartoffelbovist
Trametes versicolor   Schmetterlings-Tramete
Nachtrag Privatexkursion MARTIN HANSLMEIER (Passau) vom 29. 09. 2019:
Hygrocybe conica var. conicopalustris  Schwärzender Moor-Saftling
Suillus collinitus  Ringloser Butterpilz

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